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The Uninvited Guest

Have you ever had someone just show up at your house? It is a pretty uncomfortable feeling, right? It's one thing to come uninvited in a modest apologetic way, but have you ever had a guest arrive and they completely changed the trajectory of where the evening was going? Some of you may be reliving that moment as you read and there are others that are still trying to think of a time. Well, I am here to break it to you - We have ALL been there and are currently there as we speak! "Ms. Rona" has come through like a tornado and wrecked everyone's plans!

We are currently patiently (or impatiently) awaiting her departure. We have all somewhat kept our cool and managed our homes as much as we can since early March. We are now nearing the end of summer and the huge question is, "where will our kids be in September?" The thing that cracks me up the most, is that school board officials are meeting VIRTUALLY to determine if thousands of children will be roaming the halls together. However, we are all having flashbacks of trying to manage remote work and whip out lesson plans compiled from google, youtube, and school house rock to get our kids through the remainder of the school year. The stress is real y'all! I know you are reading thinking, "okay, maybe she has a solution for us!" Or, "maybe she has a great suggestion!" The truth of the matter is, I have no clue what I'm going to do! However, this is what this platform is for. I wanted my first post to be as real as it gets. Nothing claiming I have all the answers or that I am a pro at this; but, to simply say that we are all in this together and that you are not alone in feeling anxious, stressed, or worried about your little ones. I am right here with you, sis. I feel you. What I will do is remind you to breathe, to take this extra time with your little ones that you wouldn't have had before and do something fun - unclinch your jaw, relax your shoulders, and smile! Hopefully this will all be over soon and Ms.Rona will finally depart. Until then...wash your hands, wear your mask, and dance like no one is watching!

With purpose,

The Millennial Mom


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